The 1567 Lyon Edition

While the 1550 Venice edition did introduce a number of formal and structural changes to the Manipulus, as well as emending the texts of a number of quotations, its contents in terms of the actual quotations provided remained relatively stable. But the edition published by Thibault Payen at Lyons in 1567 marks a new phase in its early print history as this editor integrated over 400 new quotations under most of the existing topics, marking most of the additions with an asterix, and also added a new topic, Animal brutum, containing seven quotations of its own.

In the process of collating this edition it became apparent that in the first gathering of his print run Payen inserted twenty-six new quotations into four topics that were not indicated with an asterix, and instead were integrated into the letter referencing scheme: Adulacio (2), Ambicio (1), Amicicia (10), and Amor (13). Thus, the last quotation under Amicicia in the critical edition is designated 'dk', but in the 1567 edition it is 'du'. Because they were not simply added at the end but were inserted into the section of quotations by the cited author, this practice corrupted the cross-referencing scheme developed by Thomas of Ireland with respect to those topics. After printing the first gathering Payen apparently realized the negative effect of this practice on the cross-references and so discontinued it; for the rest of the book he employed asterixes to mark additional quotations and did not alter the letter designations for following quotations.

Called by Rouses (Preachers, p.184) the first of the "enlarged" editions, Payen's 1567 edition became the ultimate source for most subsequent editions, most of which would perpetuate his system of marking the additional quotations with asterixes; they also perpetuated the added quotations that were not indicated by an asterix, and which continued to disrupt the cross-referencing system for the affected topics.

This website provides a searchable edition of Payen's additiones which was compiled by the editor with the assistance of two graduate students in the Tri-University History Program at Wilfrid Laurier University: Jason Sager (2003, 2005) and Nicholas Must (2007). It contains the 450 quotations that are indicated by asterixes and also the twenty-six that are not.